The GitHub CI Actions for my favorite open-source project, the bookmarking service Shaarli, started failing recently. No one was quite sure why, especially because there hadn’t been any significant updates to the tests, and they passed locally for all the developers who ran them. I had a small pull request that was failing as well, so I thought I would give fixing the actions a shot.
Debugging GitHub CI Actions
The Perl and Raku Conference 2024 - Las Vegas
I was fortunate enough to attend my very first in-person Perl conference this year in Las Vegas! Ironically my first real exposure to Perl was almost 30 years (!!) ago when I read Learning Perl on a plane to Vegas!
It was great to finally meet so many wonderful people that I felt I already knew through using their software and watching conference talks from prior years. Here were the highlights of the conference for me.
Java Terminator: Cross-Platform Terminal Emulator
For years, I’ve been searching for a suitable terminal emulator for Cygwin, but nothing seemed as polished or had enough features to pull me away from the boring default.
I finally found the Holy Grail in a program I’ll call Java Terminator. The authors of this fine program just call it Terminator, but unfortunately a later Linux GNOME-based terminal emulator of the same name stole some of their thunder.